
The Willapa Harbor Gun Club, Inc. is a member owned Non-Profit organization dedicated to providing a safe and legal site for the recreational use of Archery and Fireaarms.
The object of the organization shall be to educate and encourage the use of all firearms shooting among the citizens of the United States residing in our country. This will include knowledge on the part of such citizens of safe handling and proper care of such firearms and to enhance marksmanship skills of the shooting sports. In addition, to engage in the preservation of clean air & water in our forests, streams, lakes, and scenic areas & the preservation of our fish, game, & all wildlife. Also to teach the “YOUTH” of the State of Washington the meaning of these objectives. It shall be our further object & purpose to forward the development of those characteristics of honesty, good fellowship, self discipline, team play, and self reliance which are essentials of good sportsmanship and the foundation of true patriotism.

The archery range is now open for your use. No broad heads or firearms. Bring ear protection as it is located by the rifle range.
We provide up to 200 yard ranges for rifles, up to 50 yards for pistols, & a police/combat range for general use. Our trap shooting range is used for competition on Saturdays 12-2pm of each month. We also have a 20 to 60 yard archery range for practice. We have WDFW Hunters Education programs which are provided for free annually.
We meet on the 1st Thursday of each month at 6 PM in our Clubhouse which is equiped with all kitchen facilities & lavatories. We are an ADA handicap facility. The range is gated and manned at all times by maintainence or range officials. All Members & guests are required to sign in upon arrival.
Annual Membership is $100.00 due by our annual meeting in June & is prorated bi-annually. Annual Junior Membership is $50.00 & special rules apply. Locks are changed & new keys and cards are issued at the Annual meeting. Members are responsible for all guests they may bring with them. We are open for public use if access is pre-arranged with the Board of Officers. NRA Membership is recommended as we are a NRA Recruiter Club.
TO JOIN…..Applications to join can be picked up at the range, or at our monthly meetings. You can now pay on line at our web site www.whgunclub.org follow instructions there & we will mail you your new card & key.